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Future of Work

As a user experience research and strategy intern at 3M Design Center, one of my responsibilities included investigating Future of Work topic area to understand future needs, visualize possible future states, and envision viable yet feasible product/ service opportunities accordingly. Along with research and analysis of data gathered from primary and secondary research, I had the opportunity to collaborate with engineers, technologists, and scientists from different fields to define future opportunities that could be rising from new and upcoming technologies. This investigation led to ideating new product and system solutions based on the market's needs and business viability to expand 3M's existing businesses.


The final presentation to the strategy, engineering and marketing team allowed for initiating new plans and dedicating teams to further investigate this topic area. 



Responsibilities  included:


  • Working in a multi-disciplinary team of engineers, technologists, and designers

  • Trend research, trend implication analysis, and future scenario planning

  • New product and system ideations

  • Expert interviews

  • Workshop facilitation and synthesis

  • User experience and scenario mapping

  • Future technology research


Summer 2018




During this phase, I researched current mega, macro and micro trends existing across categories such as social, technology, economy, ecology, and politics and used implications wheel, and future scenario forecasting to create different future states. Some other aspects of my work in the research part of the project included identifying different user tribes, developing user personas and day in lives to better communicate concepts and further strategizing best opportunity areas for 3M to invest are shown below. 

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Anticipating future needs

Developing future needs after analyzing trends along with today's needs 

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Creation of future worlds

Forecasting 4 different future states with examples of 5 main activities in each state

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Day in a life of users

Creating day in a life of users from each future state along with different activities and services

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Potential implications for 3M

Defining implications and potential future product/ services for 3M

 I also had the opportunity to create exercises and facilitate a workshop with scientists, engineers, and designers from 3M to gather points of view and ideas. I then used affinity diagrams to reveal underlying themes and patterns. Another part of my work included using various methodologies and visualization tools to analyze my research, create actionable insights and ideate new product and services. As part of my experience, I participated in multiple poster sessions, showcasing my work using posters, physical prototypes and artifacts from future to communicate some concepts and product ideas.

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